Enriched Editor

Enriched Editor 1.2.5

Enriched Editor

ClassicPress Directory Coding Standard checks.

The Enriched Editor plugin adds lots of additional options to the ClassicPress visual editor. This plugin is a fork of TinyMCE Advanced for WordPress and contains no Gutenberg code.

Enriched Editor


If you already have TinyMCE Advanced or WYWIWYG Advanced installed, you will need to deactivate and delete before installing Enriched Editor. If you want to preserve your current editor settings, you can export them to a text file before deleting the current plugin. You can then import those settings back into Enriched Editor after you get it installed.

Editor Options

  • Enable Editor for Primary Screens
    Enable the Enriched Editor for primary editing screens, including those for posts, pages, and custom post types.
  • Enable Editor for Secondary Areas
    Enable the Enriched Editor for secondary editing areas, including those for text widgets and other textarea inputs.
  • Enable Editor for Public Use
    Enable the Enriched Editor for public use, such as in user comments and other textarea inputs.
  • Advanced Menu
    Enable the advanced menu (File, Edit, Insert, View, Format, Table, and Tools) for the first row.
  • Enhanced Lists
    Enable advanced list options, including upper-case, lower-case, disk, square, circle, etc.
  • Right-Click
    Enable link insertion by right-clicking the editor.
  • Simplified Links
    Use a simplified dialog for creating links.
  • Font Sizing
    Use pixels (instead of points) for font sizes.
  • Preserve Paragraphs
    Preserve <p> and <br> tags without replacing them.
  • Custom Style Menu
    Pull custom styles from an editor-style.css file and add them to a drop-down menu.
